Reiki Nomad

Listens: 24


This podcast explores Reiki philosophy, basics, and human energetic anatomy. Series within the podcast include a 10-episode exploration of What is Reiki, and a 10-part set of guided meditations on Anatomy of the Energetic Body.

Is Reiki a Religion

Number 9 in a series of 10 podcasts exploring What is Reiki? This episode is an exporation of whether Reiki is a religion. Even religious studies scho...
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Number 8 in a series of 10 podcasts exploring What is Reiki? Channelling is something of a loaded term, and some may hear the term and feel hesitant, ...
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Reiki Shares

Number 7 in a series of 10 podcasts exploring What is Reiki? Discussion topic in this episode is an explanation of how finding an open Reiki Share can...
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Reiki Modalities

Number 6 in a series of 10 podcasts exploring What is Reiki? This episode explores the many ways Reiki practitioners are learning to combine Reiki wit...
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Lineage and Attunements

This is the fifth Reiki Nomad podcast in a series of 10 podcasts exploring: What is Reiki? Today's topic is Lineage and Attunements, including a discu...
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Reiki Levels Explained

This is the fourth Reiki Nomad podcast in a series of 10 podcasts exploring: What is Reiki? In today's episode, Amy explains Reiki levels taking the t...
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5 Ideals for 21st Century

The first in a series of 10 podcasts exploring the question: What is Reiki? Discussion of Mikao Usui's 5 Ideals (the secret art of inviting happiness)...
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Setting Intentions

The second in a series of 10 podcasts exploring the question: What is Reiki? Intention setting is key to success in anything in life. The more intangi...
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Definition, Benefits, and Uses

This is the third Reiki Nomad podcast in a series of 10 podcasts exploring: What is Reiki? This episode gives a fundamental definition of Reiki and wh...
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