Rocks & Stones

Listens: 235


Were Rocks & Stones cause we throw em here on our Podcast about whats going on here in the world today!

Racist Biden E78

Biden is hiden'.... You ain't Black! -Joe Biden!!!  There is no standard of behavior by 'race' alone... We all have the ability to be respectable or c...
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Police Actions in America E77

Police have a tough job, they put their lives on the line everyday!!! Are there some with anger issues (sure) However, most police are doing an outsta...
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George Floyd E76

Why can't this be about an angry guy (cop) did a bad thing to another guy??? Here’s a thought.... While you’re out there protesting, how about (each o...
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Politically Correct??? E74

Civil Liberties lost, not because there is evidence, rather to see if there could be evidence!!! Politically correct... ICK!!! Lets just be respectful...
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Mask and more E73

Masks or not? Protected by paper... That's like your underwear & pants controlling your farts!!! -LOLNo need to argue and no need to discipline!!!
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Healthcare Professionals E72

The healthcare pros have been given free reign by President Trump, he's been relying on their expertise since the start!!!Scarf lady is even back pedd...
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Bad "Queen" Nancy E71

Lets tear up Nancy's multi-trillion dollar stimulus bill!! Until she removes all the unnecessary PORK that she's loaded it up with!!!This bill that sh...
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Phase 1 Controlled Opening E70

It's about time!!! America is reopening!!! Finally we can go out again to restaurants, mingle and enjoy life again!!!Now lets get glove and mask-less ...
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Job and Hippies E69

We're gonna all be jobless hippies if we don't get America Re-Opened!!! Misleading media and uncaring Democrats!!The media uses 'spin' on almost every...
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