Seize the Hour

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Your Therapy Warm Up. Start listening 10 minutes before your session.

What is this?

Here's a quick talk with your host Ryan Howes, and producer Justin Blank, talking about what is Seize the Hour podcast.
Show notes

1 - Introduction

Who am I? Why am I doing this? What is this podcast, and what is it not? Point to ponder: "What did I notice about myself this week?" Give me any of y...
Show notes

2 - The Relationship

The relationship between you and your therapist is the most important factor in your treatment (want to see the research?). Without a functional relat...
Show notes

3 - The Relationship, part II

What can you do in therapy? Quite a lot, from working through tough memories to practicing confrontation to exploring hidden parts of your personality...
Show notes

4 - Therapy Stigma

How do you feel about coming to therapy? Excited? Ashamed? "Crazy?" There's no shame at seeking help for a problem or wanting to make a good life bett...
Show notes

5 - Outside vs Inside

What should you talk about today, the current events, or the deeper issues? Where do you start? Send any questions, comments, or topic ideas to my Fac...
Show notes

6 - Advice

What is therapy for? Having someone else telling you what to do? Probably not. What is my question for today, and how much of the answer do I need to ...
Show notes

7 - Ending Therapy

What? We just got started! It's never too early to accept that therapy will eventually end and plan for it well in advance so it doesn't come as a sur...
Show notes

8 - Compassion

Therapy is a gift of compassion toward yourself. Right now you are joining the relatively few others who are seeking to fix a problem or make a good l...
Show notes

9 - Safety

Is therapy safe? Kinda. Yes, it's confidential, and your therapist is trained to not judge you, but the issues you explore and feelings that come up c...
Show notes