Shut Up And Listen With Shelley Novak

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miami beach drag queen interviews interesting miami people , and just maybe changes one life along the way! please support the podcast if you can here at

S2 E14 : Raconteur Allegra Riggio

thirty recordings! thank you to everyone who made it happen ..... and now season two comes to close as we speak and sit down to thanksgiving leftovers...
Show notes

S2 E11 : Photographer Jipsy Knox

this week on the ugly couch we have paparazzi ( although she hates the moniker )and photographer Jipsy Knox , listen as we discuss 20 years of Miami a...
Show notes

S2 E10: Musician Phay Bridges

today on the ugly couch we have the lovely and talented singer/songwriter Phay Bridges , we talk about her life and inspirations, coming to America to...
Show notes