Skin In The Game: The Freck Show

Listens: 13


Each week, Freck Beauty Founder Remi Brixton sits down to discuss entrepreneurship and beauty, interview badasses, and chat about anything else she thinks is inspiring. • Please rate, review, subscribe, and reach out to us via Instagram DM @freck!

WTF Is a Toner?

It's Toner Thursday! Let's talk everything toners: what they are, why you should care, why you should be using them & how to pick based on your skin t...
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How'd I Get The Money?

Today Remi gets down to brass tacks and talks about how she found the money to start Freck. Spoiler alert, it wasn't easy. Remi learned about funding ...
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How to Start a Cosmetics Brand

Today, Remi talks about labs, law, and everything in between. If you want to start a cosmetics company or are just generally interested in entrepreneu...
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