Smash The Ceiling: Social Hiring

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This podcast discusses social hiring practices, corporate citizenship, Canadian Labour law, disability and inclusion and hiring for diversity

Crystal Meth eLearning

In response to the rising Crystal Meth crisis, we created a series of eLearning modules to help hospitals, primary care providers, shelters, drop-in’s...
Show notes

Episode 5: Volunteer Toronto

In this episode, Lisa Robinson from Volunteer Toronto discusses their latest research project, corporate social responsibility, resumes,the implicatio...
Show notes

Episode 4: The Livlihood Project

This episode features a conversation with social entrepreneur, innovator and founder of the Livelihood Project, Parin Kothari. @LivelihoodCAN
Show notes

Episode 3: Job Development

A discussion with Anthony Garcia, Job Developer with the Connections program at St. Stephen's, discussing job development, employing newcomers to Cana...
Show notes