
Listens: 21


A few brave souls have pulled together to write and record (and share) a song a day through the month of February for a few years. Tune-in to hear new music! During February, we get about an album uploaded each day of the month. How did this begin? Back in the old days, when I was motivated, somewhat creative, and had gobs of freetime I decided I'd challenge myself by writing and recording a song every day for a month. I chose February, the shortest month because I'm not an overachiever. Clicking around the net, it turns out that my ' Song-A-Day in February' idea isn't too original. The RPM challenge is slightly different in that it's more about delivering a full album at the end of the month. Sure, I did this back in 1996 (or was it '95?). One thing that pleases me is learning that there's something universally musicianly (I know that's not a word) about choosing the shortest month in the year for this kind of effort.