SportED Talks - with Virgil Stanescu

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SportED Talks is a podcast where I will have open discussions with people that were influenced by sport. You will hear from athletes or former athletes, coaches, business people or just passionate people that have strong ties with it. If you want to find out more, follow me on instagram @ virgil.stanescu

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In this episode I had the great pleasure to talk to the GOAT of chess (Greatest Of All Times). We talked about success and how does it feel to make a ...
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Alaturi de Paul, pasionat si fost practicant al sportului, master trainer, executive coach, protagonist al unui podcast in care discuta aspecte legate...
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O discutie care nu numai ca este interesanta, ci necesara despre sport si sportivi, despre copii si despre parinti de sportivi. Alaturi de invitatul d...
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