Stories with love

Listens: 9


Storytelling is my favorite activity. I always wanted to share my stories with people from all over the world.

My heart bleeds for all!

Before voting for parasites, think of your grandchildren, who will live under the debt burden. Global evil is, in fact, usury, the worst result of whi...
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Nowadays, people are apart humanely speaking. They are closer to each other on dangerous gadgets. The way we live is more similar to a machine rather ...
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One language.

80% of all information is in English. One of so many reasons for you to learn English. English is my fourth language indeed. I use it more than my own...
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Writing is a duty and a responsibility, not just showing off published books!
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الحضارةُ العربيَّةُ كانت جِسْراً ِلتَّقَدُّمِ أوروبا
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La civilisation arabe a servi de pont pour le développement de l’Europe.
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La civilización árabe ha servido de puente para el desarrollo de Europa.
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The Arab civilization was a bridge to Europe’s development.
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They reached the bus station sooner than they expected. She was tired. So, she leant on him and slept. He admired her. She smiled like a baby. She was...
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