Talking about stuff people do!

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I speak about daily occurrences, some of it really strange? some I just wonder if anyone else experience. I have round table conversations with different people about things in their lives that make you think twice, or maybe even three or four times HMMMM? Then I ask for input from listeners and do follow up podcasts with the input I have received. A good old fashion conversation about stuff. Join us. Feel free to reach out to us at: would love to hear from you.

Tatts and Dogs Too!

Ramblings about pets, and tattoo's .  xo our email is actually talkingaboutstuffpeopledo@gmail.comsorry got it wrong like 4x's in this podcast.Peace!
Show notes

To Care Or Not to Care

Recent visits to the hospital and Drs office.   Are you getting the same care you used to?
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Stuff at the Pump

A little disagreement at the gas pumps.  How would you handle it?  would love to hear.
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