Teen Talk

Listens: 11


Teen Talk, part of the Choose NOW Radio network, is hosted by Nicole O'Dell since 2010. Archives available at www.choosenowrado.com. Here, at Teen Talk, it's all about choices! Big or small, major or minor, there's a moment before every decision when you can alter the course of your life. Dive in with me on topics like peer pressure, dating, purity, drugs, alcohol, modesty, popularity, your future, and many other things that might come up along the way. They tell me I'm a youth culture expert because I write and speak to pre-teens, teens, and parents about how to prepare for life's tough choices. I've written six books, been published over 200 times in devotional books, will see eleven more books release in the next year, and been interviewed on numerous radio stations as well as television--maybe that all does makes me an expert of some sort. I suppose being a mom of six, including toddler triplets, and working as a youth director, a Bible study leader for women and teens, a counselor at a crisis pregnancy center and serving as camp counselor for over a decade might qualify me in some ways, too. But, it's the memory of my own teen years (yes, I can remember that far back) that has created a passion within me to reach out to teens and help them muddle through the confusion and pressure that life throws at them…at you! Hang out with me; let's figure it out together. I promise I won't preach at you--well, I'll try really hard not to! Want some free stuff? Sometimes me or my guests will have giveaways, too. Gotta tune in to find out! You can also subscribe to Teen Talk Radio free on iTunes!

Teen Talk: Amy Joob, on Labels

What labels are you wearing? Do they define your identity? How can you dig deeper and discover the label God puts on you? Teen Talk guest Amy Joob sha...
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