The Heritage Podcast

Listens: 25


A Complete Liberal Arts Education (in Podcast Form)

The Heritage Podcast

Read more: Drawing on our study of the soul and the city, we use classical canons of thought and traditional hermeneutics to dissect Book 2 of the Rep...
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The Heritage Podcast

Read more: Drawing on our study of the soul and the city, we use classical canons of thought and traditional hermeneutics to dissect Book 1 of the Rep...
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The Heritage Podcast

Read more: After the fall of the Roman Republic, we ask the question: “why does it seem that no regime can endure?” According to Plato, part of the an...
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The Heritage Podcast

Read more: Have a podcast? Want some free publicity? In this C&C episode, I’ll be recommending other podcasts whose focus corresponds to one or more e...
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The Heritage Podcast

Read more: Ever have one of those days where your lame boss demands a piece of political propaganda, and all you wanna do is write the definitive lite...
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The Heritage Podcast

Read more: In this exciting conclusion to our three-part miniseries, we say “vale” to the Roman Republic! Along the way, we’ll see how Caesar’s gamble...
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The Heritage Podcast

Read more: In Part 2 of our tripartite series on the last days of the Roman Republic, we’ll see if the three-man stalemate struck by Pompey, Crassus, ...
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The Heritage Podcast

Read more: In Part 1 of a three-episode series on the dying days of the Roman Republic, we’ll meet the four key players of the 1st century B.C.: Sulla...
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The Heritage Podcast

Read more: Tune in as we flashback to the Siege of Syracuse, visiting the Mad Scientist of Sicily and his space-age death contraptions! After that, we...
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