The Thirteenth Hour Podcast

Listens: 14


“The ancient clock in the Land of Dreams struck thirteen, and the dreams, now free, soared back to Earth under first vesper’s light …" And so begins “The Thirteenth Hour,” a tale about dreams and wishes, wild hearts and childhood promises, and the quest to find the unsung hero that lies in all of us. It's also a story for everyone who has been told to get their heads out of the clouds and stop daydreaming. In this fairy tale for adults, a young man named Logan goes on a quest accompanied by a childhood friend, Aurora, after being ordered by a narcissistic king to find the secret of eternal life. In the process, Logan and Aurora learn a little about life, death, love, becoming an adult, and what makes dreams special. Read by the author in 15 approximately one hour episodes. Episode 16 begins discussing the creation of the novel as well as related topics. Companion site: