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In this podcast, I chat to the lovely Isabel Lemming from Moving Minds about an exciting new approach to treating depression called Transcranial Magne...
In this episode, I am joined by Malcolm Currie director of Strathesk Resolutions to explore why and how conflict occurs. We compare the similarities a...
In this episode, I discuss the benefits that nutrition and physical activity can have on our mental health with Jackie Allen. Jackie is a Business Dev...
In the last episode of the thought diaries, I was joined by Willie Nicol of Contentment Life Coaching and together we discussed stress and how to mana...
In this weeks episode of the Thought Diaries, I discuss with Willie Nicol, Life coach and NLP practitioner, what causes stress and what strategies can...
In this episode, I discuss with Lindy Paterson her experience of contracting swine flu and how it led to the development of traumatic symptoms. Lindy...
In this episode I discuss with Michael Byrnes, owner and founder of Lived Experience Trauma Support (LETs), what it feels like to have a mental health...