The Tribe Student Ministry

Listens: 12


An archive of the Wednesday night youth messages from The Tribe Student Ministry at Southeast Baptist Church

Jesus & The Despised

Shane kicks off a new series titled The Untouchables that looks at Jesus' ministry to the outcasts. This week we look at the story of Zacchaeus from L...
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Loving Others

Shane covers Luke 10:25-37 in this combined service where he wraps up a series on spiritual habit, talking about the habit of loving others.
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Sharing Your Story

Shane talks about the spiritual habit of sharing your testimony and points out that each story is unique and can be used by God to impact others.
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Time With Others

In week 2 of our series about spiritual habits, Shane talks about the habit of living in community.
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Time with God

Shane launches a new series about spiritual habits by talking about the habit of spending time with God.
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