Trash Delivery

Listens: 219


Three half smart leftist friends in a detroit basement

#82 - Graybush

no excuse for why this ep took so long to come out but I do I have an excuse for the lackluster title and that's that it's the only thing I wrote down...
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#80 - Anna's Into Koreans

if you saw me say that this is a messed up ep on twitter don't get your hopes up for anything kooky, the messed up part is just that I spill a beer in...
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#79 - The Hot New Boy

please visit r/ to dispense your governor mandated pod feedback. and sorry about the AC sound I’ll fix it next ep.
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#78 - Ope

sorry it's so reverby I'll fix it for the next ep I edited out the part where we talked about what's happening in Palestine right now because it felt ...
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#76 - Suck Down That Foam

reminder that all references to drugs in this episode are fictional improv elements representing the characters of dustin nick and kevin in the contex...
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#75 - An Aquarium of Piss

the title isn't the thing kevin said it should be but is something he said so hopefully he doesn't freak out on me too much
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