Two Drinks and Travel

Listens: 11


Happy hour and travel conversations

010. Remote Year

Corey talks with Steven Kearney about his experiences with the Remote Year program. Find out…More...010. Remote Year
Show notes

007. Israel

In this week’s show, Corey talks with Brett Bellon about Israel. Hear about some of…More...007. Israel
Show notes

006. Cuba

Corey talks with Dr. Shanda Angioli about Cuba, getting off the grid (for better or…More...006. Cuba
Show notes

003. South Korea

Corey talks with Lauren Hong about living for 3 years in South Korea. Hear about…More...003. South Korea
Show notes

002. Kenya

Corey talks with Adam Kuert about growing up as a child of missionaries in Kenya.…More...002. Kenya
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001. Malaysia

Corey talks with Rachael Schwab about living for a year in Malaysia. Hear an incredible…More...001. Malaysia
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