Unity of Farmington Hills

Listens: 571


Unity of Farmington Hills - 10am Service - Rev. Kelly Kincaid

Blessed Are Those Who Mourn

When Jesus said, "God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted", he wasn't just referring to grieving the loss of a loved one. Jesus was sp...
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True Independence and Freedom

As we celebrate our country’s independence, let us cultivate our spiritual independence. Let us begin to heal those aspect of our consciousness that a...
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The Stairway To Heaven

Jesus was "the stairway between heaven and earth." He was the living expression of God's message to this world. Let us follow Jesus' example. Let us b...
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The Father's House

When we begin to experience tribulation, limitation, feelings of separation, and illness, it is because we have wandered away from the Father's House....
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Imagine All The People

Until we begin to use our spiritual eyes, we will always worry when we experience trials and tribulation and feel the inner turmoil of limitation, res...
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Imagine All The People

Imagine what this world would be like if all the people live together as brothers and sisters in Christ. That is what Jesus meant when he commanded us...
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Calling Forth Your True Power

As we pray and meditate in the Presence of God, we begin to strengthen our spiritual power. We learn to release our concerns, in any situation, and ca...
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The Creative Power of The Word

Authentic power is rooted in the Word of God. As we speak forth the Word of God, we live more fully in our authentic power. Let us live more fully in ...
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Cultivating Our Authentic Power

We all have the power to create our world, our inner world. By cultivating our spiritual power, our authentic power, we co-create a more harmonious in...
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