Vibrant: Coffee & Hospitality

Listens: 10


Vibrant is a storytelling podcast about coffee and hospitality. It's an ongoing series of short audio stories recorded with coffee professionals and industry admirers about exceptional coffee hospitality moments. Each episode, one person shares a hospitality story they experienced that has stuck with them. You'll hear stories from origin, cafes, homes and beyond, with valuable bits of coffee knowledge along the way. Vibrant isn't intended to be an exact how-to on hospitality, nor a bashing board for lackluster service experiences. Rather, the purpose of Vibrant is to spotlight memorable hospitality moments from seed-to-cup that elevate coffee quality and vibrancy. These are short stories packed with kindness for us to learn from and bring to life in our own ways for an even more connected and inspiring specialty coffee community. New episodes are released every other Tuesday.

Episode 10: Shawn Askinosie

Bean-to-bar chocolate industry leader, Shawn Askinosie, shares about an impactful gift from origin, his hospitality influences, direct trade sourcing,...
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Episode 9: Patrick Burns

What happens when you learn things are not going quite as well as you thought? Patrick Burns, founder and owner of Palace Coffee Company, shares an im...
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Episode 8: Tovara Salley

Tovara Salley, the Retail Trainer and Coffee Educator for Equator Coffees & Teas, tells a story about getting talked out of an order and shares about ...
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Episode 7: Michelle Johnson

Michelle Johnson, writer and creator of The Chocolate Barista, shares a story she experienced about baristas whose attention to detail went beyond tec...
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Episode 6: Joe Marrocco

Joe Marrocco of Cafe Imports shares a story about his own career in specialty coffee, the outgrowth of the hospitality he has received from others wit...
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Episode 5: Andrea Allen

Andrea Allen of Onyx Coffee Lab shares insights from Santa Rose Coffee Farm in El Salvador visiting Raul Rivera with a story about full-circle hospita...
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Episode 4: Jess Steffy

In this episode, Jess Steffy of Square One Coffee tells about visiting Richard Kimondo, a coffee producer and member of the Rutuma Cooperative in the ...
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Episode 3: Laila Willbur

Laila Willbur shares about a potentially disastrous moment evaded because a cafe established a foundation of great hospitality experiences. As you lis...
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Episode 2: Nathanael May

Nathanael details moments of generosity throughout a recent trip to Guatemala that have impacted his perspective on hospitality.
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Episode 1: Lorenzo Perkins

In this episode, Lorenzo Perkins shares a story about a cafe supervisor's reaction to learning an unexpected detail about a regular.
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