We Love Dick: A Philip K. Dick Podcast

Listens: 17


Join Wa and Foot on their quest to read through all 124 Philip K. Dick short stories. Tangents, foul language, and overly personal anecdotes are expected.

The Alien Mind

The latter half of our first back to back recording session. In which we discuss the morality of pet ownership, good/evil splits, and very little of t...
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Beyond Lies The Wub

In this episode: keeping animals alive at sea, ego-less creatures, and addiction. Listen to the Dennis's neanderthal voice Email us at welovedickpodca...
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Electric Dreams: The Hood Maker

Momma E is back once again for a deep dive into Dick’s Electric Dreams. This week we’re reading The Hood Maker. We discuss where thoughts come from, w...
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Oh, to Be a Blobel!

Brand new guests!  Bones and Roach join the cast as we discuss Nick at Nite, how to break up, organelles, and unicellular murder. Again, our levels we...
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The Minority Report

Join Wa, Foot, and Momma E as they discuss The Minority Report.  Really, they try to wrap their heads around a single time paradox for one hour.  Do t...
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Precious Artifact

Join us for a classic PKD diversion: Mars, interstellar war, conspiracy, and crippling depression.  We discuss cats VS dogs, terminal illness, and wha...
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Not by its Cover

Back again with a relatively short story about the metaphysical Martian wub.  Join us as we discuss Deism, The Mummy, and the Spider-Man franchise. In...
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