The eccentricities of individuals tend to bring out the extremes in people. This week's story brings the tale of a minister's challenges in dealing wi...
In a time of strife and contention, a figure rises up to draw the masses together. The question is, what are his intentions? This extremely short tal...
It's stories like this that make me glad we have better regulations on prescription drugs. Tonight's episode is a tale of misfortune and bad chance a...
For many, there is a feeling of peace and calm inside the walls of a church. Our protagonist was hoping for the same feeling and a brief respite afte...
Wednesday's Weird Stories returns after it's brief hiatus with one of my favorite Lovecraft tales. The Music of Erich Zann weaves a harmony of supern...
This week's story falls more into the weird realm for me rather than the paranormal or spooky. There are themes throughout The Invisible Girl that ch...
You might want to have some tissues at hand for this week's story. Listen in as we hear the tale of a young girl's struggle through life in a world t...
Told through the style of a journal, this tale by Guy de Maupassant is a haunting one that makes you question all those around you. We often think of...
There's a little less spooky going on this week, but R.W. Chambers still paints a vivid picture of the haunting nature of lost love. This tale is par...
If you know me, you had to see this coming at some point. If the cat guy didn't do "The Black Cat", it would just seem, well, weird. This classic ta...