Who Really Knows

Listens: 15


Friends since childhood who are just trying to have open and honest discussions. From who shot JFK, was the moon landing faked, are there lizard people controlling the world, we will talk about it all. We ask the questions and try to get the answers, but at the end of the day who really knows. twitter @wrkpod Insta @wrkpodcast Patreon.com/wrkpod www.wrkpodcast.com

Ep 123 MK Ultra

MK Ultra is real. anyone who tells you otherwise is lying and doing so in bad faith. MK Ultra was a secret mind control/ drug experimentation program ...
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Ep 122. The Amityville Horror

Its time to take a step back and get spooky. The Amityville Horror story that everyone knows and loves is a lot more real than some believe. Back in t...
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Ep 121 Ufos And UAPs

Were back with one of our favorite topics. The pentagon has declassified more UFO or in their terms UAP documents. Tom Delong will get us through this...
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Ep 120 Youtube Has A Problem

There is a problem with big creators on certain platforms, that has been repeating over and over again. especially in the last two years. The abuse of...
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Ep 119. The Watcher

The watcher, and the story of 657 Boulevard is both terrifying and interesting at the same time. No one would ever want that kind of life on themselve...
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Ep 118. Dr Faucis Emails

Dr. Anthony Fauci has been, less than trust worthy as the head of the fight against the covid 19 pandemic. Any one who publicly questioned him was can...
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Ep 117. The Heist of D.B. Cooper

The Heist that "D.B. Cooper" pulled off has been one of the longest ongoing FBI case in history. But to this day it is shrouded with mystery. #Podcast...
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Ep 115. The Royal Family

Prince Philip has passed away, probably later than he deserves. The royal family sucks and were going to talk about it. #Podcast #WhoReallyKnowsPodcas...
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Ep 114. Kids In Cages

The situation at the southern border is still not getting any better, and everyone is afraid of loosing their job to talk about it honestly on MSM. We...
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