
Listens: 14


Stories of full-bodied commitment to the things, places, people, and ideas we believe in, for better or for worse. What do you wholeheartedly believe in? Created by Hannah Rae Leach.

BFFs Pt. 1: Hannah and Kameron

In the bizarre in-between of the past year, Hannah has been especially grateful for and inspired by lifelong friendships. Over the next few episodes o...
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New Year's Dispatch

Happy New Year from Hannah and the Wholehearted team. New episodes coming in the new year, we promise.
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Mermaid Aziza

Mermaids, with their long, luscious hair, iridescent tails, and fabled siren song, have captured the imaginations of humankind for hundreds of years. ...
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Miss A is Dead

Megan Elk was known throughout Cleveland for her larger-than-life cabaret performances as Miss Alexandra Huntington, a dame who loved singing songs ab...
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Jada Taylor of Mixd Fashion

Jada Taylor, the CEO and designer behind the Cleveland-based line Mixd Fashion, is only 24 years old and has already had an incredible career as an on...
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Ronne & Gates McFadden

Gates McFadden— best known as Dr. Beverly Crusher on Star Trek: The Next Generation— and I are essentially strangers. But we have one big thing in com...
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