Writings of the Church Fathers

Listens: 13


Selections from our Patristic Treasury - Writings of the saints from the first millennium of Christianity as free audio downloads to aid discovery of what has been believed everywhere, by all, since the time of the apostles, and what the Church did and looked like throughout its history.

The Didache

“Granting the general authenticity of the Greek work, the time of composition must be at least as early as the first half of the second century. If th...
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The Epistle of Barnabas: Part 5

“Though the letter really is anonymous, its traditional title connects it with the famous name of the one-time companion of the apostle Paul. Could it...
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The Epistle of Barnabas: Part 4

“Though the letter really is anonymous, its traditional title connects it with the famous name of the one-time companion of the apostle Paul. Could it...
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The Epistle of Barnabas: Part 3

“Though the letter really is anonymous, its traditional title connects it with the famous name of the one-time companion of the apostle Paul. Could it...
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The Epistle of Barnabas: Part 2

“Though the letter really is anonymous, its traditional title connects it with the famous name of the one-time companion of the apostle Paul. Could it...
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The Epistle of Barnabas: Part 1

“Though the letter really is anonymous, its traditional title connects it with the famous name of the one-time companion of the apostle Paul. Could it...
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The Nicene Creed

“Arius, an Alexandrian presbyter, began teaching some time before 318 that the Logos, the Word of God who became man—Jesus Christ—is not the divine So...
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