043: What to do when you're failing MISERABLY


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Control Freak


As an enneagram three, I pride myself on how hard of a worker I am. Heck, going into my due date- I had two months of newsletters scheduled and two months of podcasts recorded and ready. Then all of the sudden, she was born. The scheduled stuff eventually came to an end and I realized that "holy shit, I'm a new mom" and all of the sudden- it kicked in. I wasn't just a full time CEO and wife anymore. I have a tiny little human counting on me and ya'll- her schedule is SO unpredictable. So in the last 12 weeks of her being in this world, I've been trying to navigate how to balance it all while feeling like I am failing at every single second. I could pretend its not happening and throw a super inspirational message at you today- OR I could be a human being and be honest with you guys. I'm doing my best and I know this is just a season and I will get through it and figure it out eventually. Right now in this one, I need to be realistic. I am going to focus on the things that I CAN control. In this episode, learn what I am doing to adjust to this new season.