1: Why You Should Listen


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Catholic Youth Ministry Podcast


This is the Catholic Youth Ministry Podcast: the podcast about Catholic youth ministry by Catholic youth ministers with the longest title ever. Join seasoned youth ministers Nic and Edmund as they discuss various aspects of life lived on mission for the Church and its youth. Episodes of CYMP are released weekly. You can find full-length episodes on Facebook and YouTube as well as audio versions on your favorite podcast app - just search Catholic Youth Ministry Podcast. Catholic Youth Ministry Mindset Course Are you in your first 2-3 years of parish-based Catholic youth ministry or just need a mindset shift and recharge? Checkout the Catholic Youth Ministry Mindset Course here: catholicyouthministrypodcast.com/mindset Instagram: www.instagram.com/catholicyouthministrypodcast Website: www.catholicyouthministrypodcast.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/catholicyouthministrypodcast