12 | Rethinking grief and loss with Lisa Nagel


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Society & Culture

In this episode, I explore grief and loss with Lisa Nagel. Our shared intention for this conversation is to support anyone moving through grief and to create the space to invite healing. Lisa shares so many insights around the grief process, how our society treats loss and grief, and what she means when she says that grief is an invitation. She also helps me rethink how I look at self-care by sharing a question she asks herself and her clients. It completely changed my approach to caring for myself in moments of stress, grief, or illness and I'm so grateful. GET TO KNOW LISA NAGEL LISA NAGEL is a guide and intuitive helping womxn resolve and heal personal and inherited trauma, move through grief with grace and live a life of sustainable aliveness and tenderly being fully human. She believes in gentle bravery, transformation that lasts and remembering that our stories aren’t over yet. Everything is still possible. You can find her at wildsensitivesouls.com and follow her @wildsensitivesouls. Lisa has created free playlists to help you feel and move through your grief. Listen to them here.