136: Book Launch Day, ask us anything!


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Dear White Women


It’s book launch day! And if you haven’t already pre-ordered, it’s time that you get your order in for Dear White Women: Let’s Get (Un)comfortable Talking About Racism! And then tell your friends and family today about it so they order, too. Will make for some good conversations – plus, we’ll be opening up a book club conversation with you in November! What to listen for, in celebration of our book launch, are the answers to a few questions we whittled down from an “Ask Us Anything” 24-hour callout we made on social media and our email list – so you’ll get our real, authentic selves in response to YOUR questions. Have questions, comments, or concerns? Email us at hello@dearwhitewomen.com Questions were: What were your initial impressions of each other? Was it friend love at first sight? How do your kids feel about your podcast and your book? What was your hardest interview and/or episode to record? Why?  Are there any episodes where you wish you had a do-over? Why?  Where do each of you record your podcast? Where are your families then?  How do you envision your work evolving going forward?   Where to order your copy of Dear White Women: Let’s Get (Un)comfortable Talking About Racism: https://thecollectivebook.studio/dear-white-women Like what you hear?  Don’t miss another episode and subscribe! Catch up on more commentary between episodes by following us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter – and even more opinions and resources if you join our email list.