#169 - The Pendulum of Being Grounded in Motherhood with Sophie Burch


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Happy Mama Movement with Amy Taylor-Kabbaz


Mental wellbeing for the mother in the 4th trimester continues to be an area which needs a lot more work and attention as we explore matresence in all its glory. Just like physical health, mental health needs tending to and the sooner we realise this, the better life will become; breeding greater self-awareness and confidence to reach out for help and more support if and when it’s needed. If parents practice this, then children will mirror that and learn more emotional regulation as they grow and healthy practices that they will instinctively use for life. In this episode I join in a deep dive into mental health and it’s impact on Womanhood. Sophie Burch is a perinatal therapist and coach with 15 years working with parents. She’s author, founder and leader of Beyond Birth: Mindful Early Parenting Guide and has lived experience of PTSD, Birth Trauma, Pregnancy Trauma, and PND, and as a result, is on a mission to bridge a gap in mental health support for parents. Join us as we chat about: Her journey from thinking she couldn’t fall pregnant to being a Mamma of four boys (including twins). Busyness and not having enough time. How we can maximise opportunities while meeting the demands of each day. How our heads run away with us and practical understanding of how staying grounded can help feel into this. Simply relearning new ways of being and being okay with that. If you want more details around Sophie’s work you can find her at http://www.themammacoach.com (www.themammacoach.com). We can change the way mothers are valued and seen in our society by having profound conversations and spreading the whispers of Matrescence together. Find out more and receive the Matrescence map here https://www.amytaylorkabbaz.com/matrescence/