75. How Tidying Has A Ripple Affect On Your Entire Life With Lisa Tselebidis


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Café with Monica


Has clutter and mess created more stress and anxiety in your life? To the brain, clutter represents unfinished business and this lack of completeness can be highly stressful for some people. Did you know there are ways to take back control of your life and it starts with your environment? In this episode, I’m joined by Lisa Tselebidis, a professional organizer and KonMari Certified consultant and we chat all about the mental health benefits of tidying and how it can shift our mindset. More about the guest: Lisa Tselebidis, a professional organizer and KonMari Certified consultant. She helps women go from overwhelmed and stressed out to organized and thriving by guiding them through a systematic decluttering process, setting up organizational systems, and implementing new habits. Lisa truly believes that having a home in which you are only surrounded by items you love can be life-changing in many ways Guest Contact: Follow Lisa on Instagram, check out her website here. Resources Mentioned: Lisa’ KonMari Category Checklist