9: Food is Medicine with Kelli Gray Meisner, RD + Dietician


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Berry Good Talk


Kelli Gray-Meisner, RDN, is a registered dietician nutritionist who specializes in helping individuals with gastrointestinal conditions. She has expertise in integrative and functional principles, with an emphasis on a whole foods based diet and biologically appropriate lifestyle. She focuses on whole-food based nutrition assessment and education with all patients, meeting the patients where they are and assisting them to get where the want to be with their health. Kelli has always been interested in integrative and functional medicine and promoting personalized nutrition as a foundational component for overall health. Her research interests include integrative nutrition, microbiomes and lifestyle medicine. She also teaches at Cuyamaca Community College and volunteers giving healthy eating presentations to the general public as well as local support groups, including the San Diego Chapter of the Celiac Support Association. In this episode we talk about the current state of our food system, healthcare, and how nutritious food can heal and empower us.