9 - Reconnect and Recharge


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Mindfulness with Barbara Newell

Religion & Spirituality

Barbara Newell and Matthew Aldrich share from personal experience how important, even life-changing, it can be to recognize and really take in what nourishes and enlivens us every day.  Visit barbaranewell.com or thewaytowellbeing.com for more resources.  Barbara offers free initial consultations which can be booked here.The Way to Well-Being is a collaboration between Barbara Newell, mindfulness + meditation teacher and a former Zen Buddhist nun with Thich Nhat Hanh, and Matthew Aldrich, mindfulness student.As a newcomer to mindfulness, Matthew saw his meditation practice developing quickly and easily with Barbara's instruction. He found applied mindfulness practices to be extremely helpful for relating skillfully with emotional reactivity.  While there are numerous books about mindfulness, the information can sometimes be conflicting, too conceptual, or just inadequate with regard to the actual implementation in a busy modern life.It became apparent that straightforward, practical guidance could help other people find their way to long-term, sustained well-being through mindfulness.