Avoid The Spam Folder: Email Marketing That Works!


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Changing the Game in Revenue Growth, Presented by SAP


The buzz: “Personalisation – it is not about first/last name. It’s about relevant content” (Dan Jak). Email is predicted to be used by more than 3B people worldwide by 2020, according to a 2016 study by Radicati Group. But Marketing Profs found that in 2016, 42% of marketers did not send targeted email messages, a common error among SMBs and large corporations. Are you ready for email marketing best practices and how to build a campaign that converts to sales? The experts speak. John Walker, Chirp: “The best salesperson is the one the customer trusts and never has to question” (Mark Cuban). Marco Argaez, SAP: ”Distringit librorum multitude” (Seneca). Lorraine Maurice, SAP: “Take two ideas and put them together to make one new idea. After all, what is a Snuggie but a mutation of a blanket and a robe?” (Jim Kukral). Join us for Avoid The Spam Folder: Email Marketing That Works!