Body Scan Meditation


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Lindsey McNally, Liberate Meditation

Religion & Spirituality

This is a full body scan meditation that has been written and delivered to you by myself. This particular meditation I give to my clients as they begin their 10 Day High Vibe Detox Journey. The reason for this is so that we can work together to prescribe nutrition or a particular juice blend for healing specific parts of the body... both cellular and emotional. Everything that occurs in the mind eventually manifests in the body... we do indeed hold our issues in our tissues. The first part guides you into a deep state of relaxation and openness and the second part filters down your awareness as it investigates each part of your body... all the way from the crown of your head to your big toe. Clients then report back to me anything that they may have felt as each awareness is pinpointed to each part of the body. There are no right or wrong answers with body scan meditations... every single thing you feel, smell or see is relative. For some it’s colour, others sensations of energy, temperature changes, tightness and emotions that may rise as we investigate each major part of our our vessel. I then take the information given to me by my clients experience and start working on personal meditations and nutrition for each person so that they detoxify in every level, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. I invite you to give it a try too and see what your experience is like. PLEASE DO NOT LISTEN TO THIS MEDITATION WHILST DRIVING OR OPERATING MACHINERY. It is best done at night time before bed. Enjoy, and let me know how it goes for you, Om Shanti, Linds xx