Episode 4 - Riding the Headwinds


Listens: 1847

Sales & Marketing - The Success Mantra


This is a 4Th Podcast from our series - #Sales & #Marketing - The #Success Mantra.

You can visit my blog: www.beyondobvious.in to know more on following topics: Marketing & Sales. Short Stories.

In this Podcast we talk about:

How a sales and marketing person can do #Marketmapping by following 3 Basic Steps.

Also there are examples correlated with the Steps for #HUL or #Renualt or #Tesla or #Mahindra.

How can you map the Markets effectively?

How to decide & execute a winning #Strategy?

How to keep #leading & #winning in the field?

The earlier Video links are mentioned below:

Base Video: The Success Mantra - S&M

Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtbV_...

Blog Link: https://beyondobvious.in/the-success-...

1. How to achieve #Customer Intimacy.

Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSK8G...

Blog Link: https://beyondobvious.in/2019/11/03/5...

This is the First aspect of the 5 Aspects I help you in to achieve Strong Position as a Sales & Marketing Person.

2. 5 Ways to Increase Sensory Intelligence. Or Market Intelligence

Youtube Link: https://youtu.be/QOi9MROwrKc

Blog Link: https://beyondobvious.in/2020/02/09/5...

3. 3 Ways to do the Market Mapping & riding the Market Headwinds.

Youtube Link: https://youtu.be/zEhKpkgpuQE

Blog Link: https://beyondobvious.in/2019/11/04/3...

Also you may like my Video on the Disruptions that will hit the Manufacturing Industry in coming year:

Change is coming, Are you ready?

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZOrU...