Decreasing the Impact of Environmental Toxins with Dr. Stephen Lewis


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Food As Medicine with Dr. Anh


Dr. Stephen Lewis and his wife Janet have a long history of helping people achieve their optimal health by utilizing extensive, but low cost lab work. Dr. Stephen Lewis, D.C. stays current on the latest research pertaining to nutritional supplements and optimal health. Janet Lewis is a Certified Natural Health Consultant with a unique perspective on alternative and complementary nutrition from studying with numerous national leading alternative health experts. They both traveled to China to study with traditional Chinese medical doctors and know the importance of proper nutrition in healing and maintaining the human body. Now in today's show with Dr. Stephen Lewis we talk about.....  Why eating organic simply isn't enough anymore Why it's important to detoxify everyday and how to do this The top 5 supplements that everyone should be taking What is one of the most important keys to healing and what is the book he recommends for learning more One of his favorite plants to keep in the home to help with environmental toxins How long does it take to truly heal Which hormone was key to his wife's weight loss And more... OK, let’s go chat with Dr. Stephen! RESOURCES FROM THIS EPISODE: Dr. Stephen and Janet Lewis' website: Fill out their health survey:  Get the Book: The Biology of Belief