Ep 098: Managing your boundaries


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My Pocket Psych: The Psychology of the Workplace


Richard and Pilar take a look at the importance of proactively and intentionally managing the boundaries between our various life roles. How do we prevent one role absorbing the time and attention we'd like to invest in another?  We're really close to episode 100, so don't forget to get in touch with your feedback and questions about the show so far. Anything you've enjoyed, put into practice - or something that has just given you another perspective on work. Send us a message on Twitter (@MyPocketPsych) via our contact form (worklifepsych.com/contact) or by email (podcast@worklifepsych.com). You can even leave us a voicemail! See below... Resources mentioned in this episode Richard's half-marathon fundraising for Epilepsy Action: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/doctorworkpsych Leave us a voicemail here: https://camflare.io/studio/61308a654fd12/ Richard's new YouTube channel: https://richardmackinnon.tv