Ep. 12 - Breakups


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Dare to Rise


Description: In this episode Sasha and Clare discuss their friend’s recent break up and some thoughts and emotions she was feeling and how to turn it around towards a more positive outlook. Sasha and Clare unpack their most significant relationship break up and share the lessons they learned from it. Dare: Think about a past break up. Reflect on the lessons you learned about yourself. Apply these lessons into your current or new relationship (even if it’s your relationship with yourself). Practice saying “I am worthy” and other affirmations in the mirror. Forgive yourself for your mistakes and work towards becoming happy. Resources: We launched a blog to accompany this episode. Make sure to check it out: https://medium.com/@thedare2rise Episode 7- Our Experience with Grief- https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/thedare2rise/episodes/2019-10-01T05_00_00-07_00 Socials: Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/thedare2rise Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thedare2rise/ Twitter: @thedare2rise Instagram: @thedare2rise email: thedare2rise@gmail.com Disclosure: We are not therapists, we are only discussing our experiences in hopes that it will help others. Please seek help if you are feeling depressed, share your feelings with family, friends, a therapist, or call the National Suicide Hotline for immediate help: 1-800-273-8255. You don't have to suffer alone or in silence. Zig Ziglar said “F-E-A-R has two meanings: ‘Forget Everything and Run,’ or, ‘Face Everything and Rise.'" - We dare you to rise!