Ep026: Dr. Jamie Corroon - Cannabis, the Endocannabinoid System, and everything you need to know about CBD and THC.


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Guest: Dr. Jamie Corroon @Jamie_corroon Host: Brian Costello @bcostello____ Today we dive into the fascinating world of cannabis!  Dr. Jamie Corroon is a Naturopathic doctor and clinical researcher focused on the medical use of cannabis.  We cover a lot of ground in today's show, and you've come to the right place for all of your answers and clarifications about cannabis.  Topics include: - The latest on the legality changes of CBD products - The basics of the Endocannabinoid System and it's biological functions in all living animals - CBD vs THC  - Different medical uses and how to find out what's best for you - Thoughts on THC for creativity and problem solving - Cannabis for the special needs population   Jamie's website: www.centerformedicalcannabis.com Podcast: Cannabis Consult (info found on website)   Hear Jamie on other shows: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/neurohacker-collective/collective-insights/e/56082776