Ep2.16 5 Ways to Deal with the Stress of Change


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With Lisa

Health & Fitness

Changing one of our own behaviors can make us uncomfortable.  In fact, behavioral change can often cause us to feel like we're being pushed beyond what we can bear.  The amount of stress we can tolerate, either physically or psychologically, is called our "Distress Tolerance."  Research has found that our ability to endure discomfort or stress can affect the degree to which we will stick with behavioral change.So, what do we do if we find ourselves stressed-out and uncomfortable because of the changes we're trying to make in our lives?  This episode outlines 5 strategies to help us enhance our "Distress Tolerance".  They include distraction, self-soothing, thought modification, acceptance, and 'adulting'.  Tune in and understand how to apply these methods to improve your own change efforts!