Episode 4: By the People, For the People


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Democracy Rules

Society & Culture

In this episode, we’ll explore how public policy forms a strong pillar when it comes to strengthening democratic society. We have with us Dr Simi who is the CEO and Editorial Director at the Impact and Policy Research Institute (IMPRI). She has a PhD in American Studies from Jawaharlal Nehru University’s School of International Studies and was a Fulbright Fellow at Ohio State University in the United States. Her research areas include agriculture and foreign policy in the United States and India, international security studies, sustainable development, climate change, gender justice, the urban environment, and food security. In this episode, Dr Simi Mehta will share her experience of research work with diverse groups and of advancing conversations on the intersection of policy and politics. Dr Simi will also help us understand how today’s youth, especially women, can prepare themselves for a career in the field of public policy.