Episode 55: Athlete heart with Murray & Papadakis pt1/Iggy Perillo


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The TriDoc Podcast


In a collaboration with Helen Murray of The Inside Tri Show, I present part 1 of her interview with Dr. Michael Papadakis, a leading cardiologist and expert in sports cardiology on the impact of exercise on the heart and the risks of cardiac issues with exertion. In addition, I have a conversation with Iggy Perillo. Iggy has worked with world champion athletes and people in corporate spaces as a leadership and team development coach for the past 20 years. She brings her expertise to the podcast and gives some insights that are invaluable for triathletes to win the mental aspect of training and racing. Inside Tri Show Dr Michael Papadakis https://twitter.com/MichaelPapadak2 (Twitter) Dr Michael Papadakis's work at https://www.sgul.ac.uk/profiles/michael-papadakis#overview (St George's University in London) https://www.myheart.org.uk/crys-myheart-cardiologist-dr-michael-papadakis-story/ (My Heart) which offers support for young people diagnosed with life threatening heart conditions Iggy Perillo IG: @wsl_leadership_coaching FB: @WSLLeadershipCoaching Monthly newsletter:  https://www.subscribepage.com/wsl (https://www.subscribepage.com/wsl) Books: https://www.amazon.com/Drive-Surprising-Truth-About-Motivates/dp/B0032COUMC/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=drive+by+daniel+pink&qid=1607977354&sr=8-1 (Drive) https://www.amazon.com/Mindset-Carol-S-Dweck-audiobook/dp/B07N48NM33/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2VSVDZQLUDBW4&dchild=1&keywords=mindset+carol+s.+dweck&qid=1607977400&s=audible&sprefix=mindset%2Caudible%2C188&sr=1-1 (Mindset) Support this podcast