Episode: 8: Should Muslims Vote?


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Deen One

Religion & Spirituality

BEFORE YOU THINK ABOUT VOTING, LISTEN TO  THIS PODCAST!   Let me ask you a few questions: Do you know what voting in the democratic elections means, from the Islamic perspective? Should, or rather can we select the lesser of two evils in this case? Many Muslims are discussing the permissibility of voting in Islam.  Join us in this discussion to understand the Islamic perspective on voting in the democratic election . Don't forget to like, share, and leave a comment below with your thoughts.  Visit our website: https://www.DeenOne.com Subscribe to Deen One's official YouTube channel: Deen One https://www.youtube.com/DeenOne Follow Deen One on Facebook: Deen One https://www.facebook.com/Deen-One-149...   Follow Deen One on Twitter: @Deen__One https://twitter.com/Deen__One Follow Deen One on Instagram: @deen__one https://www.instagram.com/deen__one/ Deen One Productions