Evidence-Based Brand Building with Marc Guldimann


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On Brand with Nick Westergaard


“Duration is the perfect proxy for attention.” Marc Guldimann has spent his career at the intersection of two scientific fields—human decision making and technology. He’s the founder of several startups including his latest, Adelaide, which sells ads based on duration or time spent. We discussed all of this and more on this week’s episode of the On Brand podcast. About Marc Guldimann Marc Guldimann is the Co-Founder and CEO of Parsec Media, the first marketplace to sell media based on time spent. Parsec Media is the owner and operator of Adelaide, the first performance tool for brand builders. A longtime entrepreneur, Marc is experienced in synthesizing his experience across digital media, computer security, and decision sciences to develop simple yet powerful solutions. Prior to created Sled and Parsec, Marc was the founding CEO of Enliken and Spongecell Inc spending two decades at Internet and technology firms. Before digital media, he worked in the wireless network security industry, where he developed the first wireless virus filter. Mr. Guldimann led technical sales and marketing efforts for both Vernier Networks and Network Chemistry. Marc graduated from Carnegie Mellon with a degree in Social Decision Sciences and currently resides in Brooklyn. Episode Highlights Branding is the ultimate interdisciplinary job. As a social sciences fan, I had to ask Marc about his degree in Social Decision Sciences. He noted that this program at Carnegie Mellon stressed interdisciplinary studies. This set the tone for our conversation as we veered back and forth from the science of media to the art of creative. The job of media and the job of creative. Marc drew distinct lines around the role of media—getting the brand in front of the right people—and the role of creative—capturing the attention of the right people when the ad is in front of them. Evidence-based marketing. Marc and I spent a lot of time talking about the growing capabilities of evidence-based marketing and the science of attention. Specifically, his work at Adelaide and his focus on selling media based on time spent. “Duration is a perfect proxy for attention.” What brand has made Marc smile recently? Marc mentioned Delta during the show and came back to them for his smile as we wrapped up. His love of the brand comes “not from an ad—but from an experience” where their CEO emailed him back. That’s how you build long-term loyalty. To learn more, go to adelaidelift.com. As We Wrap … Did you hear something you liked on this episode or another? Do you have a question you’d like our guests to answer? Let me know on Twitter using the hashtag #OnBrandPodcast and you may just hear your thoughts here on the show. On Brand is sponsored by my book Brand Now. Discover the seven dynamics to help your brand stand out in our crowded, distracted world. Order now and get special digital extras. Learn more. Subscribe to the podcast – You can subscribe to the show via Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play, Stitcher, TuneIn, and RSS. Rate and review the show – If you like what you’re hearing, head over to Apple Podcasts and click that 5-star button to rate the show. And, if you have a few extra seconds, write a couple of sentences and submit a review. This helps others find the podcast. OK. How do you rate and review a podcast? Need a quick tutorial on leaving a rating/review in iTunes? Check this out. Until next week, I’ll see you on the Internet!