First Fnordcast!


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Welcome to the first episode of the Fnordcast!First, here's the link. The file is 36MB, and runs just over 38 minutes.Yes, Steve Jackson Games has joined the millions of people talking about games, gaming, and geek culture in the mp3 format. We, like so many others, will have reviews of new products and reports from conventions.What we'll have that you won't find anywhere else is frequent segments by top game designers like Sean "Dr. Kromm" Punch and Steve Jackson. We'll also be previewing books and games in the production process, giving you a peek behind the curtain of a game company.We, of course, can do much, much more. But what direction should we take? Send us your feedback at or head over to the Fnordcast forum. Let us know what you'd like to hear!Fnord!-- Paul Chapman