Harmony and Understanding: Global Calm


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Spoken Word Yoga


IN ANY INTERACTION, WE HAVE AN INTENTION. There is nothing we ever speak or do that is not deeply rooted in the intention behind the action. Every interaction begins with an intention. We just have to stop and think about it. All of our efforts in the external, physical world are driven by intention— an intention of how we want people to feel and intention of what we want people to think. The way we dress, the occupation we choose, the car we drive— there is an intention behind all of it, and that intention is often rooted in how we will be perceived by the people we meet. That's the whole reason we speak in the first place: to express ourselves.WE ALL HAVE TO BE AN OBJECTIVE OBSERVER of how we show up in the world. Are our intentions and the quality of our interactions in alignment? What is our intention for communication? Do we show up with the intention to listen or to be heard? Is our intention to get our point across? Or to learn something new?THE BREATH AND EMOTIONS ARE INTIMATELY CONNECTED. Our breath is evidence of our emotional state. Our emotions are written all over our faces, in our body language, in our mannerisms…body movement and breath are indicators of energy.BREATHING IN SYNC TOGETHER IS POWERFUL. Our rhythm is HYPNOTIC. This connection that we make together while breathing in sync with each other, this time we spend together, has the power to change things. Imagine feeling in sync with everyone around you.EVERYONE'S CONTRIBUTION IS EXPANDING THE OPTIONS that are available to all of us. There was no race to the finish, no pushing or shoving, just everyone moving with focused determination towards their goals while always making room for each other, recognizing that each person is working towards their individual goals.My intention is to be of service to you. I wanted to give you a gift of my e-book, 10 Tips for Positive Mental Shift, which can be your Positivity reference guide. Any time you feel your mind taking you to a place you do not want to go, use the 10 Tips to create a Positive Mental Shift.JOIN the Spoken Word Yoga Community. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive updates for new offerings. FOLLOW @spokenwordyoga on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and TikTok for Positive Affirmations and information on yoga retreats and global events to rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul.REGISTER for free and join the ZEN DEN SANCTUARY via ZOOM ROOM every Tuesday, 6:30pm EDT. Bring your favorite candle and a positive intention and be prepared to soothe your soul as we enjoy a mindful escape in the Zen Den Sanctuary. No physical Yoga, simply Zen relaxation with our deeply connected community sharing space together virtually.