How to control your work (over) load


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Creating Connections that Matter by Kim Dunn


Do you remember the rush of starting your first job, or a new job? Excitement, nerves, anticipation, energy, enthusiasm.  Wanting to do your best and make a good impression.  Perhaps a bit of Imposter Syndrome standing beside you giving you encouraging words like – “Are you sure you’re up to it?” You expect in those early times for the work to take longer, as you are on a learning curve.  So working outside normal hours is OK because you are learning and it will get quicker and easier.  Stepping in and covering when someone is sick to answer the phones or attend to reception is OK because you are part of a team now, and there’s no money to pay a casual receptionist.  Skipping breaks to finish a report is OK because there’s a deadline and that’s important. It’s so easy when you start something new, want to make a good impression, or are working extra hard due to Imposter Syndrome to say ‘that’s OK’ or YES – “I can do that”.  Then all these OKs add up to work (over) load.  You don't have enough time, you are doing too much, you are doing irrelevant work Or, if you are a solo practitioner the process is similar, except in this case you are telling yourself it’s ok to work outside the hours you have set for yourself.  And that it’s OK for you to do everything. Until it's not. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thank YOU for listening.   Everytime I see that someone else has listened to an episode, I think of them and give thanks that my words are connecting with someone, wherever they are and I hope that you are hearing what you need.   And if you know others who need to hear this, please forward this to them. If you like this episode and want to put more intentional self-care into your life,  subscribe so you don't miss upcoming episodes.  I am always keen to hear of what questions you would like me to answer, or what topics you would like me to talk about.  And if you know a great guest for the podcast you can let me know that as well.  Creating connections in the mental health professional world is essential to avoid burnout, and to have a satisfying and sustainable career. To increase connection start with an authentic and accepting understanding of yourself; then of others; then of a deep appreciation for how we are all connected to create positive change in the world.  By embracing your authenticity you invite confidence and calm into you life. If this sound a bit overwhelming, it doesn't have to be. Using gentle, simple and practical strategies, you CAN strengthen connection with yourself, others and the natural world. ============================= Click here for intentional self-care strategy resources. You can email me here. Until next time, take care of yourself, and treat yourself as well as you treat your clients. Kim xx --- Send in a voice message: