How To Write Facebook Ad Copy That Converts


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Growing Your Business Through Digital Marketing


Number 1: asking questions The easiest way to write an engaging headline is to make it in the form of a question. Questions always grab people’s attention and draw them into getting the answer. Research by Social Influence even goes as far as stating that headlines in the form of questions received 150% more clicks than headlines that just form a statement. And if you include the word “you” in a questioning headline it made it receive even 175% more clicks! Number 2: Giving an order Another great way to make your ad headline more powerful is when you use commands in your headlines to help inspire interest. Frances Ylana, a visual communications lecturer at the University of Texas suggests when crafting an effective Facebook ad headline, you should start by communicating the command or action you want your reader to take up front. It becomes even more powerful when you use the other elements of your ad like your visual, the descriptions etc. to paint the full picture. Number 3: Listing a benefit If you can show the benefits of your product or service to your user in a headline this can do wonders as well. Don’t automatically try to sell something to the reader, but rather try to help them. According to, a headline that clearly states how your offer will benefit the reader is a better way to drive clicks and conversions instead of just listing the features. Number 4: Inspiring curiosity Curiosity works great for headlines, according to George Loewenstein of Carnegie Mellon University, there is this concept called the curiosity gap or the gap between “what we know and what we don’t know”. The theory is based on the fact that if you only give a person half of the information, he or she likes to fill in the blank with new information. So how can you apply this to your Facebook ad headlines? Simple, for the reader of your ad it is almost painful to find out there is something they don’t know until they can fix it by learning something new. Number 5: Leveraging lists The last things we want to address is listicles. Maria Konnikova thinks that the reasons why listicles have grown so popular over the last couple of years have to do with how your brain works. When your brain sees some form of information, it tries to process what it is reading. Numbers are a great way to help break up all of the written content that you’re exposed to on a daily basis. ► If you need help growing your business check out our ad agency User Growth @ ► Find us on Facebook: ► Read more tips on our blog: