Kike Oniwinde, BYP Network - Valuing your true growth potential


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Fundraising Stories with Women Entrepreneurs


Kike Oniwinde is a Forbes 30 under 30, World Economic Forum Shaper, and has won three national pitch competitions. Kike has been a high achiever since she was raised in East London, throwing the Javelin for GB whilst crushing her grades. In 2020, she raised £900,000 through crowdfunding for her business, BYP Network, a platform that empowers and connects black professionals to each other and to corporations. As a black female founder, Kike’s achievements haven’t come easy though, and she experienced push back from VCs making her feel like they “just didn’t want to invest”. However, Kike met Angels who believed in her venture and decided to get her community investing through a crowdfund.In this episode you’ll discover:How to set your valuation based on growth potentialHow to control timescales during your investment roundWhy you should take part in pitch competitions (even if you hate the idea!)