My Story and Mission


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Health & Fitness

I am Mary Mangos, Founder of Coachuwellness. I live in Melbourne Australia. I am a Psychologist, Coach, Author and online course creator.I am excited to relaunch this series as your host and I want to share a little bit about me to show how I got here.I grew up as a daughter of immigrant parents, we experienced challenges like many immigrants. For me there was much joy but also a very strong belief that was reinforced that perhaps we did not belong. That perhaps one day we would told we must leave.I definitely took in that fear and the beautiful worrier that I was, was always on alert. I was not aware of the lens that I now viewed myself and the world around me until my Psychology studies at university. I also grew up watching my parents work so hard and not appreciating the importance of rest and energy management.Whilst I dabbled with yoga and meditation, but I had not yet started to commit to it in any consistent way.It wasn’t until my 30s that and 40s that I felt inspired by Positive Psychology research and Mindfulness programs. I began to integrate meditation and gratitude practices in my day.They have had incredible positive impact on my positivity, my joy, my sense of calm and clarity.During that time, I expanded my wellness vision and practices. I now have a clear mission and for ME a practice that supports it:My mission is to inspire and change lives towards more clarity, happiness and peace. And that includes my life too!Please keep listening as I share wisdom, tips and science backed practices. I have some exciting interviews planned with experts and inspirational people, to inspire you, and to achieve your vision for a thriving and flourishing life.I am excited to take you an educational and inspirational journey.Thanks for listening! Mary.Sign up now to access our latest news, free resources and specials for her subscribers: further information - Contact Mary Mangos: